Our Vision and Mission Statement
Desire to allow God to make a difference in us and through us. Ephesians 3:20
Desire to see all people come to know Jesus Christ as Savior. Matthew 28:19-20
Desire to see all people grow in their relationship with Jesus. II Peter 3:18
Our Beliefs
We believe in God and the Bible:
We believe in the one and only living and true God, who exists in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible is the Authoritative Word of God, perfect in every way, without error, and the basis for preaching and teaching as the foundation for all we do. We believe that salvation is by faith alone Chrisr Jesus as Lord.
We believe in Prayer and Worship:
We seek to worship and praise God regulary and passionately. We strive to maintain a current and active relationship with God through prayer and Bible study.
We believe in Missions and Evangelism:
We believe and strive to share the Good News of Jesus and His message of salvation with all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, or economic staus in our community and around the world. We believe it is God's desire and command for the Gospel to be preached to every person and in every corner of the world.
We believe in Family and Fellowship:
We actively strive to minister to every member of every family and to every generation within the church. At the end of each of our Worship services, we give you the opportunity to join the Calvary family. We extend an invitation to those seeking a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to those seeking membership in the church.
Church Membership
How to become a member of Calvary Baptist Church:
- By professing faith in Jesus Christ and following Him in believers baptism.
- By transferring your "church letter" from another Baptist Church.
- By statement of your faith in Jesus Christ and that you have been baptized by immersion following salvation.
- By statement of your faith in Jesus Christ from another denomination that does not practice believer's baptism. This is a statement of faith in Jesus Christ and a willingness to be baptized.
Our Church Mission
We believe in the Bible just as it is for people right where they are. Our mission encourages non-Christians to become Christians and Christians to become more like Christ. We do this through a balance of Evangelism. Discipleship, Fellowship, Worship and Service.